
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Why don't my pants fit??

Christine is back with a guest post on a topic that is very near and dear to all of our hearts:)

Topic of the Day: Why don’t my pants fit

I personally like to blame it on the dryer or my husband, never on my child or the carton of ice cream I hate in 3 days all by myself. By all means those who know me or have taken a look at my facebook page after my last guest post know that I am not over weight…actually some hate me for being skinny and that’s fine but all I can say is I see myself naked and why did I move to the south where we can start wearing a bathing suit in March (yes it was 85 here last weekend and the beaches were used)? But in all seriousness it doesn’t matter how fat, skinny or in between you are, if you are anything like me you wish you were a few pounds lighter, that the baby pudge along your midsection flattened when the baby came out several years ago and most importantly that it can all happen while you ran around doing your daily activities or while doing nothing.

When I was pregnant with JC I joined the gym and walked 2-3 miles daily until I was 8 ½ months pregnant and looked over and saw that the 80+ old woman beside me was walking faster on the tred-mill than I was. So I took 15 days off and enjoyed the rest of my pregnancy. After I got the you’re good to go from my doctor to start working out again I was like “YES” it’s Mommy and Baby Yoga time…that last about a week- it wasn’t me, JC just wasn’t that into it. Then we started walking every morning when he got up to be fed- this was the best exercise. He was up, I was up, so was the sun…might as well take advantage of it.

Then I went back to work. I love that leggings and flowy dresses are in by the way cause I rock them at work regularly. However my exercise time got limited. I could either get up earlier in the morning but we all know how important sleep is to new moms or just to moms in general (hey I love a good nap on the weekend) and by the time I got home from work, spent time with my baby that I hadn’t seen all day and then got ready for the following day the last thing on my mind was exercise…more like a glass of wine and my bed.

So here I am almost 3 years later. My seamstresses has taken in and let out so many of my pants that I might as well just hirer her fulltime. I may not have a lot of weight to lose but I still don’t look forward to my muffin top (recently added to the dictionary just for people like me hanging over my bathing suit or anything else I wear.

So for those of you who have managed to take off the pounds and firm the abs I am all for your secret. For those of you who are in the same place I am feel free to join me in wearing cover ups this summer. So just added to my credit card has been an order for P90X- I am joining the crazy fad of this program and praying that in 90 days I look like those dang Victoria Secret models sporting the bathing suit I wish I could wear. Does my husband love me just the way I am…sure. Does God love me just the way I am…of course he created me just the way I am. Does JC love me just the way I am…no doubt about it (at least for the next few years until he learns what a muffin top is too). So at least while I struggle with my flabby baby belly I know that those important in my life love me just the way I am.

So stay at home mommies what do you do through your day for exercise. Working moms where do you squeeze it in and what are you doing?

Best part is that once I get back to where I want to be I will most likely be working on baby number 2 and having to start all over again but it’s ok cause I know how that pudge got there- from that little man that hugs me often and says “I wuv you Mommy!”

Annie here - with Katie - I didn't have to do anything to lose all the weight. It was magical. It just came off. I know... lucky lucky and very unusual...
But, with Ben I already can tell it's going to take a little work and I'm ready! I can't wait to get back into the gym to do Zumba and Spin Classes. I just hope that works and actually makes me lose the weight... I also noticed that my diet isn't helping things seeing as how I'm still eating junky foods and not nearly enough healthy stuff.
So, starting with today's grocery shopping trip - I will start eating better and once the doctor clears me, I will try to find time to head back to the gym....

What did/do you all do??


  1. Boy is this perfect timing for me! I just started a new "diet" -really just eating healthier! I am using the 17 day diet book as a guide and so far the first 17 days have been going well. I don't do it hard core but I've lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks! I want to hear what you think of p90x as you get going. I thought about buying it but I'm not sure I'll stick to it and it's pricey. I've started running up the stairs whenever I am cleaning and need to take stuff up. I also wear a step counter to see how I do throughout the day. We joined the Y in town to hit the gym and be able to take the kids swimming which has been great. The only thing that seems to work for me is a little bit of everything - eat better, exercise a little more and give myself permission to carry a few extra pounds. I have given myself 4 pounds for each kid so I'll be happy when I am 12-15 pounds over what "they" say I should weigh.

  2. After Jack, the weight just disappeared! It was fab, but after Peyton, I assumed that it would just happen exactly as before. When Peyton was 18 months old, I hadn't lost anything but the initial 20lbs of water and baby that happened immediately after I had her. So I went on Weight Watchers. Absolutely the only diet I could do. I don't do well with diets that don't let me have things such as chocolate or sweets because I turn in to a raging b@#$%! (Just ask my husband)! Also, I work at a chocolate store, so there's no way I couldn't have the sweets. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months then finally got the courage up to start Zumba! Love Zumba, the music is great and I can dance around, tone up my body and have fun!I've maintained 25 of the 30lbs I lost for over a year now and I have never felt so good about my body! Including when I was 18 and 100lbs lol

  3. ok so its been 3 weeks and I've only lost like 18 pounds - he was 7 pounds - so I Figure that's not that much. And everywhere I look there is junk food - people are bringing me brownies, cakes, cookies, ice cream and I am not being very good about saying no - I mean I don't want to waste food right?

    I have however bought some ingredients to make some yummy easy to grab snacks from the fridge during the day and night so that hopefully I have some healthy options to start eating better.

    I tried on some clothes to find some stuff I can wear outside the house and unfortunately I look a little kardashian esque - only minus the super tiny waist - so I am staying in doors until I can get to the gym ;) I'll tell you how it goes!

  4. haha Annie - with Jake I gained 61 lbs (that is right - SIXTY ONE - OMG). and most of it did not budge at all. Even before I got pregnant with Aidan I still had a LOT of weight to lose from Jake. It was so hard. I tried eating better and I was running a little bit every morning. Now, as you know with Aidan, I only gained like 30 lbs and lost it right away. I still have the pre-Aidan weight to lose but I started P90X and LOVE it so much - Mike and I are doing it together after Jake is in bed and Aidan is taking his last nap before bedtime. We actually stopped doing it for about a week and we are absolutely itching to get back to it on Monday. So I would say definitely make time for you and you'll feel better in no time! and also - we're going into summer so it'll be easier to get outside and just do more active things. I'm excited. I was in SUCH a self-image funk after having Jake and now I'm starting to see the light!
