So... here goes
- You have less of a chance of missing all the firsts... steps, words, crawling, smiles
- You get to stay in your pj's all day
- You have full access to your fridge all day and can make whatever you want whenever you want and aren't limited to a cafeteria or a microwave
- In the summer, you can enjoy some outside time and possible sprinklers, water table or pool fun
- Your kid gets to set a schedule that works for them- I for one, let Katie nap for as long as she needs to (unless it goes past 4:30 because we like having some quiet time at night without her being awake past 8:00) and we never have to wake her up in the morning
- You can run your errands during the day (well, when I had one kid I could do that, at the moment I am stuck doing my errands after 8pm when he's asleep for longer than 2 hours at a clip - but I hold out hope that that will change someday)
- You can clean your house a little here and a little there. (I'm wicked crazy about cleaning and my house is ALWAYS clean. I'm talking lysol wipes on the garbage can opening clean - so this suits me well!)
- You can cook yummy dinners without having to eat late. (although my meal planning lately has been crap - I will get back to it now that we're settled)
- You can watch daytime TV - yeah, I said it - I watch Ellen and Rachel Ray sometimes - don't judge
- You can go on the internet and use the phone without being monitored by anyone but your toddler
- You can have play dates with your kids friends moms - which can be play dates for you!
Happy Wednesday (I think it's Wednesday anyway)
I love that as a stay at home mom you have the flexibility to choose what you do for the day. I have the kids with me all day every day so we practically do everything together, but if it's raining I can decide to stay in that day and do errands another day. Most people don't have that luxury!